Yesterday, after a few light bulbs going off in my head, colliding with research, I properly joined the AI #Midjournery revolution.
Over a shared screen with a dear friend who has been making stunning images for months now she helped me to navigate this new world of dark screens and images going by faster than a twitter feed.
I love what was created with my prompts. It is just a visual, but I do imagine it in reality and of course have started to play around with it already, and can't wait take paper to pencil to have a full scale drawing. I have been skeptical about this, but now after using it just a few hours, I totally see that it will no, it won't come after our jobs, it is just one tool in a big box of tools.
I don't see this as something that will de-value art, or design, but will be another tool for artists and designers.
It is absolutely democratizing visual creation which has already started long ago.
There was outrage around photography as an art form in the 1890's.
I can only imagine what Walter Benjamin who wrote "Art in the age of Mechanical reproduction" and John Berger from "Ways of Seeing" they would think of AI. There is a huge thesis here, but for now I leave you with this.
One day, weeks, months, or for specific projects one might turn to this, but I doubt I will ever throw away my pencils and paper. I know what they bring me, and I know just as sculpture and hand drawing, and CAD can play off of each other, this too can help to realize that which has not been realized before. To push much further innovation - I hope not at the cost of the environment which is no doubt being warmed at the creative minds pushing prompts at all hours of the days and the images are being stored...Where.....? Not in the never never lands that the images created, but here on plant earth.
Moreover, one needs a thoughtful and intelligent human to craft the prompts; which along with the images are public domain.
Whoever came up with the name Midjournery what on point. We are only mid-way through what can become of this. The world is our oyster;)e way you tell your story online can make all the difference.